
Facing the Opioid Epidemic: The Crucial Role of Universities in Dispelling Misinformation

As the opioid epidemic continues, recent events at Nova Southeastern University in Florida have reignited the debate surrounding the dissemination of accurate information about...

Ensuring Ethical Integrity in Stem Cell Advances

Stem cell therapy and orthobiologics show potential in treating a range of musculoskeletal disorders. These treatments, however, introduce complex ethical challenges that must be...

Exploring the Future of Orthopaedics: AI, Robotics, and the Human Touch

The journey of AI in medicine traces back to its inception in 1956, evolving into sophisticated deep learning and neural networks that closely mimic human...

Surgical Missteps Lead to Paralysis in 12-Year-Old: A Case for Heightened Vigilance in Spinal...

A recent lawsuit against the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) has highlighted critical concerns in surgical safety protocols after a pediatric spine surgery...
A gavel, a stethoscope, a stack of books, and a blister pack of capsules, symbolizing the intersection of law, medicine, and pharmaceuticals.

False Claims Act Settlement: Tacoma Orthopaedic Surgeon and Hospital Resolve Allegations of Medically Unnecessary...

Resolution Announcement: U.S. Attorney Tessa M. Gorman announced a settlement in a False Claims Act qui tam case involving a Tacoma physician accused of billing...
A stethoscope, a syringe, a vial, and a pen on top of a medical declaration form.

Update on Ongoing Exactech Lawsuit

Exactech, a medical device company, recently initiated a significant recall of thousands of its knee, hip, and ankle replacement implant systems produced since 2004....


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