From Pills to Progress: Non-Traditional Approaches to Chronic Pain Relief

Chronic pain is a widespread and debilitating issue affecting millions globally, particularly those dealing with musculoskeletal conditions. For orthopaedic surgeons, managing chronic pain in patients with ailments such as osteoarthritis, low back pain, and fibromyalgia is a common and challenging task. Traditionally, treatment has centered on pharmacological interventions and surgical procedures. However, alternative and complementary strategies are gaining traction, offering new avenues for effective pain management. These innovative approaches hold particular promise in orthopaedic practice.

Exercise and Weight Management

One of the most significant advances in chronic pain management emphasizes non-pharmacological interventions, notably exercise and weight management. Increasing evidence supports that regular physical activity and weight reduction can substantially lower pain levels and enhance overall functionality in chronic pain sufferers. A 2024 study underscores the effectiveness of exercise and weight loss as integral elements in managing chronic pain. These interventions not only alleviate pain but also boost mental health, making them key components of a comprehensive pain management strategy.

Physical Therapy vs. Orthosis

Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a prevalent condition among orthopaedic patients, and managing the associated chronic pain remains a persistent challenge. A recent study compared the effectiveness of physical therapy and orthosis, such as knee braces and insoles, in managing pain and improving function in patients with medial knee OA. The findings showed that while both interventions were effective, orthosis provided superior pain relief over a six-week period. These results highlight the importance of tailored treatment plans. Depending on individual patient factors, orthosis may offer a more effective solution for pain management, particularly for those who might not be well-suited for extensive physical therapy.

Water-Based Exercise

Nonspecific chronic low-back pain (NSCLBP) is another condition that affects many, often leading to significant disability. A systematic review and meta-analysis conducted in 2024 evaluated the effectiveness of water-based exercise for NSCLBP. The study found that water-based exercises were particularly effective as land-based alternatives, offering a viable option for patients who struggle with conventional exercise routines. Incorporating water-based exercise programs into treatment plans for patients with chronic low-back pain could significantly enhance patient outcomes, especially for those who find traditional exercise too demanding.

Acupoint Catgut Embedding

Fibromyalgia, known for being difficult to manage, often requires a multifaceted approach. Acupoint Catgut Embedding (ACE), a novel acupuncture technique, is showing promise. This technique involves embedding catgut sutures into specific acupoints to provide prolonged stimulation, thereby offering continuous pain relief. A 2024 study demonstrated the effectiveness of ACE in reducing pain for fibromyalgia patients, specifically through the attenuation of the TRPV1 signaling pathway, which plays a role in transmitting pain and inflammatory signals. ACE could serve as a valuable adjunct therapy, providing sustained relief without the need for continuous treatment.

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Digital Health

As healthcare continues to move towards value-based care, the integration of digital health technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) in chronic pain management is becoming more prevalent. A recent study explores how AI and digital health can optimize outcomes in orthopaedic surgery by addressing health-related social needs and supporting risk-based reimbursement strategies. For orthopaedic surgeons, this represents an opportunity to enhance patient care through digital platforms that can offer personalized pain management plans, track progress, and adjust treatment strategies in real-time.

Managing chronic pain in orthopaedic patients requires a multifaceted approach that extends beyond traditional methods. Incorporating holistic strategies like exercise and weight management, exploring alternative therapies such as orthosis and water-based exercises, and leveraging advanced techniques like ACE and AI-driven digital health platforms can greatly improve patient outcomes. As orthopaedic surgery evolves, staying informed about these emerging approaches will be essential for providing the best care to patients struggling with chronic pain.


Acupoint catgut embedding attenuates fibromyalgia pain through attenuation of TRPV1 signaling pathway in mouse

Comparison of Physical Therapy and Orthosis on Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Medial Knee Osteoarthritis

Exercise and Weight Reduction: A Holistic Approach to Managing Chronic Pain – An In-depth Analysis

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Digital Health to Address Health-Related Social Needs and Optimize Risk-Based Value in Orthopaedic Surgery

Water-Based Exercise in Patients With Nonspecific Chronic Low-Back Pain: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis